The Importance of Doing Nothing
When was the last time you paused your schedule to do absolutely nothing? And what does ‘doing nothing’ even mean? The idea of allotting time for nothingness evokes different reactions. For some, it’s a welcome time to rest and recharge; for others, dedicating time for nothing feels uncomfortable and even jarring. In a culture rooted […]
Acclimating to Your New Job: Tips & Considerations
Starting a new job can be an exciting and welcome change. Like any fresh experience, nerves and discomfort are completely normal and signify a period of growth. A new job, role or responsibility can significantly impact your life, and starting this journey on a smooth note can ease nerves and set the tone for your […]
Languishing: What is It & What’s the Cure?
In the midst of a Covid-stricken world, many people began to feel an air of mystery. It wasn’t necessarily depression, but it wasn’t hope or positivity either. Rather, this feeling is what is known as languishing. In 2021, The New York Times described languishing as “the neglected middle child of mental health. It’s the void […]
Networking Tips for Introverts
Job searching and networking often go hand in hand. At its core, networking is making or using connections to assist in the job searching process. While this skill comes naturally and easily to some, for others, it can feel like a hassle or even uncomfortable. Everyone has a different capacity for socializing and human interaction, […]
Read This if You Have No Goals
In an age of hustle culture with a major emphasis on constant productivity, it’s no wonder that burnout and mental health crises plague people everywhere. When we’re told our worth is directly related to our output, it creates feelings of defeat and frustration alongside the never-ending task lists that cannot be completed. Similarly, when overwhelm […]
How to Care for Someone Struggling with Their Mental Health
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and while this month sheds extra light upon the growing mental health crisis, it’s more important than ever to continue spreading awareness beyond the month of May. According to the CDC, more than 1 in 5 adults in the US live with mental illness, and 1 in 25 adults […]
How to Create Opportunities for Yourself
We are often our own harshest critics. Self-doubt and imposter syndrome can cloud our minds and make us question if we are worthy. How do we seek & create opportunities if we don’t believe we deserve them? Similarly, even if we do believe we deserve positive opportunities, how do we find them? Success looks different for everyone. Sometimes, without always realizing […]
Unmasking at Work (For Neurodivergent Individuals)
Conditions such as ADHD and Autism fall into the neurodivergent category. According to Forbes, “Neurodivergent is a non-medical umbrella term that describes people with variation in their mental functions, and can include conditions such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or other neurological or developmental conditions such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).” It is estimated that 15-20% […]
3 Tiny Tips to Enhance Your Day to Day
Most of us have days filled with some semblance of a routine. Structured days can be beneficial. In fact, according to Headspace, “Researchers have found that routine can have far-reaching psychological benefits, including alleviating bipolar disorder, ADHD, and insomnia.” While organizing life and adhering to routines can offer a sense of peace and pave the […]
How to Find Motivation When You Don’t Have Any
Sooner or later, malaise affects most of us. For some, it’s chronic and requires professional help. For others, life events, stress and other temporary events bring about these feelings for a transitory period. However, in 2023 burnout is becoming the new normal. In fact, 70% of people across the globe dealt with burnout in 2022. […]